December 12, 2017: Witches, Land & Family

It is not a coincidence that the witch hunt and the social-economic crisis of superinflation occurred simultaneously during the transition to capitalism and private property. Scholar Henry Kamen  write that it was “precisely in the period when there was the…

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December 11, 2017: Introducing Just Powers

“Just Powers” is the new title of a collaborative research project — a banner title aiming to encompass all the various projects ongoing under its banner. The subtitle is “Feminist Energy Futures.” Just Powers: Feminist Energy Futures Does it have…

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November 12, 2017: Eating, Consumption, and Energy Transition

I’m still thinking about the argument made by  Mercy for Animals around going veg because it is less carbon-intensive than meat eating. That argument is sound. And, there are many other good reasons to become vegetarian or vegan, not the least…

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November 6, 2017: Unsettling the Staples Economy

Today, I spent some time thinking about how the exploitation of land and resources that has contributed to climate change is part of a more complicated set of problems informed by an extractivist world-view. This isn’t a new idea for…

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November 2, 2017: Just Transition

They call it “just transition”.  Love that. The way it resonates with a certainty and simplicity. It is just transition. That makes it sound like anyone could do it. Like the shift isn’t so hard. And, calling it ‘just transition’…

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