November 23, 2017: Future of Energy in Alberta

Wind, Solar, Geothermal, Biofuels: These are most likely the future of energy in Alberta. It is where most of the institutions seem to be investing in research and development. Elsewhere they will invest in water — which isn’t appropriate to…

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November 11, 2017: Cooking for Company

I’m in the grocery store, bright and early. Planning for friends to join us for dinner, I decide to make homemade lasagna. Coming into the market from the wintery snowy morning, it is easy to take for granted the amazing…

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November 9, 2017: Energy Transition Network

The day started early at 5am. The kids haven’t adjusted to the time change this past weekend, so while they were waking up at 6, they now wake up at 5. All the better, I suppose, because I had a…

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November 2, 2017: Just Transition

They call it “just transition”.  Love that. The way it resonates with a certainty and simplicity. It is just transition. That makes it sound like anyone could do it. Like the shift isn’t so hard. And, calling it ‘just transition’…

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